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As deal seeking Queens we can not always swallow the idea of dropping $99 for a 1 year subscription, no matter HOW MUCH we might use the service RIGHT??

Once upon a time for like a 2 week period Amazon offered people to sign up for Amazon Prime and pay monthly. They quickly took the offer down, but anyone who signed up for it has been graciously grandfathered with that offering.

They are once again offering a monthly plan!! $10.99 a month for Full Prime and $8.99 a month for Prime Video only. They have quite a few Award winning exclusive shows that you can only catch on Prime Video so it might be worth it to find something new to watch. I love their one show call Catastrophe.

So if you have never been a member hop on over, grab your 30 day Free Trial and enjoy all the benefits of Amazon Prime.

2 day Free Shipping
Prime Video
Prime Music
Prime Photos
Kindle Owners Lending Library
& much more.

**TIP: When you visit the page to sign up, if you want a plan other than the annual, click the button that says see more plans.**

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